Lukasz Witt-Michalowski was born on October 8, 1974 in Lublin, Lubelskie, Poland. He is a director and actor, known for Television Theater (1953) and Syzyfowe prace (2000). He is famous and well known as boyfriend of Anna-Maria Sieklucka.
His first movie as an actor was Syzyfowe Prace in 2000 in which he played the role of Tymkiewicz from 1998 to 2000. Later he played the same role in a Polish series of the same name as the movie which also set his first entry into television as an actor.
If you are curious about Łukasz Witt-Michałowski (Actor), you are in the right place. Here you will get the details of Łukasz Witt-Michałowski net worth, age, height, affairs, educational background, salary and much other information. Let’s Check.
Łukasz Witt-Michałowski Biography, Personal Profile
Real Name Łukasz Witt-Michałowski
Full Name Łukasz Witt-Michałowski
Nick Name Łukasz
Gender Male
Profession Film director and actor
Famous For/As Actor and Director
Date Of Birth October 8, 1974
Birthday 9 October
Łukasz Witt-Michałowski Age (age of 2022) 47 Years
Birthplace Lublin, Poland
Current Residence Poland
Religion/Caste Christian
Nationality Polish
Zodiac Sign Libra
Ethnicity Mixed
Łukasz Witt-Michałowski Height, Weight, Body Measurement & Physical Stats
Łukasz Witt-Michałowski 47 years old (age of 2022). Łukasz Witt-Michałowski height is 5 feet 8 inches, which is 177 cm. His body weight is 64 kg. His eye color is grey and hair color is blonde. He looks beautiful, smart and owns very nice body measurements.
Height in feet 5 feet 8 inches
Height in centimeter 177 centimeters
Height in meter 1.77 meter
Weight in pound 135 lbs
Weight in kg 64 kg
Body Measurements
(chest-waist-hips) 42-34-38 inches
Age (in 2022) 47 Years
Body type Slim
Hair color Grey
Eye color Blonde
Łukasz Witt-Michałowski Family Members & Their Relatives
As per the sources, Łukasz Witt-Michałowski belongs to the Christian family. There is no such relevant and authentic information about Łukasz Witt-Michałowski’s parents. He has dated and his girlfriend name is Anna-Maria Sieklucka. He also has a sister named Monika Makuch.
Father Name Not Known
Mother Name Not Known
Brothers Not Known
Sisters Monika Makuch
Girlfriend Anna-Maria Sieklucka
Wife Not Known
Children None
Marital Status Unmarried
Łukasz Witt-Michałowski Education Qualification
Talking about Łukasz Witt-Michałowski education, He completed his schooling education at AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in his hometown. He has done his graduation in 2004 and went to Hessische Theaterakademie in Frankfurt am Main, Germany and earned a degree in theatre directing.
School AST National Academy of Theatre Arts
College/University Hessische Theaterakademie in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Education Qualifications Graduation
Favorites Things of Łukasz Witt-Michałowski
If we talk about the favorite things of Łukasz Witt-Michałowski, his favorite color is grey. His favorite habit is travelling, acting and listening music. Apart from this, if you want to know about his more favorite things, then you can see in the table below.
Favorite colors Grey
Favorite Singer Leonard Cohen
Favorite Song First We Take Manhattan by Leonard Cohen
Hobbies Travelling, Acting and Listening Music
Favorite Food Italian Food
Favorite Book Ma być czysto by Anna Cieplak
Favorite Destination Poland
Łukasz Witt-Michałowski Net Worth
If we talk about Łukasz Witt-Michałowski Net Worth then Łukasz Witt-Michałowski has estimated net worth amounts to $1-5 million USD (Approx.) in 2022. However, his salary has not yet been revealed. His primary source of income is his career as actor and director.
Net Worth $1 Million – $5 Million (Approx.)
Source of Income As an Actor
Income $100,000 (Annual)
Łukasz Witt-Michałowski Social Media Accounts
He keeps uploading his photos on his social accounts, which his fans like a lot. Fans like his look very much and like him openly. In the below, we have shared with you the links of all their social media profiles, by clicking on which you will be able to access their profile page directly.
Instagram @lukaszwittmichalowski
Wikipedia N/A
YouTube N/A
Facebook Łukasz Witt-Michałowski
Twitter N/A
Question Asked By People About Łukasz Witt-Michałowski
1. Who is Łukasz Witt-Michałowski?
Łukasz Witt-Michałowski is a Polish theatre and film director and actor. He is the boyfriend of the Polish actress Anna-Maria Sieklucka.
2. How old is Łukasz Witt-Michałowski?
Łukasz Witt-Michałowski is 47 years old (in 2022).
3. How tall is Łukasz Witt-Michałowski?
Łukasz Witt-Michałowski is 5 feet 8 inches tall.
4. Łukasz Witt-Michałowski net worth?
$1 Million – $5 Million (Approx.)
5. Łukasz Witt-Michałowski height in feet?
5 feet 8 inches
6. Łukasz Witt-Michałowski age?
47 Years (age of 2022)