Prashanth Sambargi is an Indian businessman, social activist, film producer, and film distributor. He was born on October 06, 1980 (Monday) in Belgaum, Karnataka, India. In 2021, he participated in the popular TV reality show “Bigg Boss Kannada 8” hosted by the famous South Indian actor Kichcha Sudeep.
In 2001, he started working as a direct selling agent in Bangalore. In 2002, he joined Reliance Infocomm as DSA-CDMA and worked there for almost 6 years. He then worked in the sales and marketing department at Reliance World, and later, he worked in the business development department at Reliance World.
In 2009, he joined a real estate brokerage firm ‘Mars Realty’ as one of the partners. He also owns a real estate firm ‘VIP Square.’ He has worked as the media manager of the South Indian actor Arjun Sarja. Apart from this, he has also worked as a brand builder and advertising technician in various films.
If you are curious about Prashanth Sambargi (entrepreneur & businessman), you are in the right place. Here you will get the details of Prashanth Sambargi age, height, net worth, wife, affairs, girlfriend, wife, Wikipedia, educational background, family, salary and much other information. Let’s Check.
Prashanth Sambargi Biography, Personal Profile
Real Name Prashanth Sambargi
Full Name Veera Prashanth Sambargi
Nick Name Prashanth
Gender Male
Profession Entrepreneur
Famous For/As Contestant in Bigg Boss Kannada 8
Date Of Birth October 06, 1980 (Monday)
Birthday 6 October
Prashanth Sambargi Age (age of 2022) 41 Years (In 2022)
Birthplace Belgaum, Karnataka, India
Current Address Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Religion/Caste Hinduism
Nationality Indian
Zodiac Sign Libra
Debut Colors Kannada Tv Show “Bigg Boss Kannada 8” (2021)
Prashanth Sambargi Height, Weight, Body Measurement & Physical Stats
Prashanth Sambargi is 41 years old (age of 2022). Prashanth Sambargi height is 5 feet 8 inches, which is 176 cm. His body weight is 85 kg. His eye color is black and hair color is also black. He looks beautiful, smart and owns very nice body measurements.
Height in feet 5 feet 8 inches
Height in centimeter 176 centimeters
Height in meter 1.76 meter
Weight in pound 169 lbs
Weight in kg 77 kg
Body Measurements 42-16-38 inches
Chest Size 42 inch
Waist Size 38 inch
Biceps Size 16 inch
Age (in 2021) 41 Years
Body type Average
Hair color Black
Eye color Black
Prashanth Sambargi Family Members & Their Relatives
As per the sources, Prashanth Sambargi was born in a Hindu family. There is no such relevant and authentic information about Prashanth Sambargi’s siblings and parents. His family believes in Hinduism and also worships Hindu deities.
Parents Name Father : Not Known
Mother : Not Known
Siblings Brother : Not Known
Sister : Not Known
Girlfriend Not Known
Children Adithya Sambargi
Wife Name Not Known
Marital Status Married
Prashanth Sambargi Educational Qualification
Talking about Prashanth Sambargi education, He completed his schooling education at a local private school in his hometown from Webster High School, Bangalore, Karnataka. After completing his intermediate, he was enrolled in PES College of Management Bengaluru to pursue a Bachelor of Business Administration.
Where he completed his graduation from the year 1995 to 1998. Being more interested in studies, he had decided to pursue an MBA. He attended TASMAC College, Bangalore in 2000 to pursue his MBA.
Educational Qualification (Post Graduation) Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Collage Name TASMAC College, Bangalore, Karnataka
Educational Qualification (Graduation) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Collage Name PES College of Management, Bangalore, Karnataka
School Webster High School, Bangalore, Karnataka
Favorites Things of Prashanth Sambargi
If we talk about the favorite things of Prashanth Sambargi, his favorite color is white. his favorite habit is Reading Books, Traveling and Listen to Music. Apart from this, if you want to know about his more favorite things, then you can see in the table below.
Favorite colors White and Black
Hobbies Reading Books, Traveling and Listen to Music
Favorite Food Indian Food
Favorite Actor Not Known
Favorite Sports Tennis & Cricket
Favorite Animal Dog
Favorite Destination Kerala
Prashanth Sambargi Net Worth & Income
If we talk about Prashanth Sambargi Net Worth, then Prashanth Sambargi has estimated net worth amounts to Rs. 8-12 Crore (approx.) in 2022. However, his salary has not yet been revealed. His primary source of income is his career as an Actor.
Salary/Income He takes charges around ₹60k to ₹70k per episode for Bigg boss Kannada season 8
Total Net Worth ₹8 crores to ₹12 crores (Approx, as in 2022)
Car Collection Range Rover, Audi
Prashanth Sambargi Social Media Accounts
Prashanth Sambargi’s social media account is available on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter where he has over 2.2k, 20k, and 4k followers respectively. In the below, we have shared with you the links of all their social media profiles, by clicking on which you will be able to access their profile page directly.
Instagram @prashanthsambargi
Wikipedia N/A
Facebook VS.Prashanth.Sambargi
Twitter @vip_sambaragi
YouTube Prashanth Sambargi
Question Asked By People About Prashanth Sambargi
1. Who is Prashanth Sambargi ?
Prashanth Sambargi is a South Indian businessman, social activist, film producer, and film distributor.
2. How old is Prashanth Sambargi ?
Prashanth Sambargi is 41 years old (in 2022).
3. How tall is Prashanth Sambargi ?
Prashanth Sambargi is 5 feet 8 inches tall.
4. Prashanth Sambargi net worth?
₹8 crores to ₹12 crores (Approx. as in 2022)
5. Prashanth Sambargi height in feet?
5 feet 8 inches
6. Prashanth Sambargi age?
41 Years (age of 2022)